Arjun Karthik


Karthik Venkata

Co-Founder / Director

Karthik is a highly experienced tech entrepreneur who has spent the last 20+ years in cutting edge technology companies where he has led large product strategy and development teams. Having been named one of Australia's top analytic leaders in 2020 and 2021, Karthik has several patents to his name and is part of the Customer Advisory Board at Deakin Business School.

Finally, if it isn't already obvious, Karthik and Arjun are family!

Arjun is a tech start-up founder who has played sports for pretty much his entire life - he was a FFV football referee, cricket coach and a squad level swimmer. He has also been a volunteer teacher for Year 11 and Year 12 students and tutored several students in maths and psychology. In addition to completing his double degree in Commerce and IT at Monash, Arjun spends most of his time building, selling and supporting Outcoach!

We came up with the idea of Outcoach after experiencing firsthand some of the challenges faced by clubs and schools running classes. Karthik ran from pillar to post taking his 2 boys to various classes, sometimes being a cricket umpire and sometimes a soccer match referee. As a part-time Uber driver transporting his kids to different classes, he often missed the notifications about match cancellations or payment reminders. When Arjun started coaching, he quickly realised that paperwork was key to getting paid on time. Not his time on the field! As with all start-up ideas, we thought there must be a better way!

We validated this by talking to over 50 other coaches and teachers and found that staying on top of classes and scheduling, payments and student progress was a pain shared by many. We think we can use technology, especially the mobile phones in our pockets to simplify life for everyone – the schools, teachers, students and parents!