Master your craft

  • Do you spend more time on admin than on your martial art?

  • Do you find yourself chasing up payments and filling up forms?

  • Is it hard to know if your students are improving from lesson to lesson?

  • Do you use several systems to communicate, share documents, book classes?

Yes? Let's Outcoach!

Harmonise your school and be up to date with what’s next

Outcoach allows you to have an intuitive calendar that has all your events in the one place, so you can plan all lessons, concerts and examinations. Easily track attendance, write important notes and assign actions so students and teachers always know what’s next on the agenda!

man doing karate stunts on gym
man doing karate stunts on gym

Build your community and centralise your messaging

No more sending countless messages across email, text, Whatsapp, etc. Have all communication in the one place and send any individual or group messages to teachers in your performing arts school easily. Whether it’s letting them know of a room change for rehearsals, communicating to parents or sending lesson reminders, Outcoach's messaging feature helps make life easy

woman in black sports bra and black shorts holding orange bottle
woman in black sports bra and black shorts holding orange bottle

The assistant you didn't know you needed

Outcoach takes care of scheduling, payments and student development, freeing you up for the things that matter!

One integrated platform

blue calendar icon for schedulingblue calendar icon for scheduling
blue credit card icon for paymentsblue credit card icon for payments
blue camera iconblue camera icon
blue task and actions iconblue task and actions icon
blue progress iconblue progress icon
blue document iconblue document icon
blue contacts phonebook iconblue contacts phonebook icon
Unlimited Classes
Online Payments






Photos & Videos

blue message iconblue message icon
Schedule all your classes and share them with members, parents and coaches
Create invoices and accept online payments
Send SMS messages, communicate, and share information easily
Share photos and videos, tag people and build your community
Assign homework and manage the team's everyday work
Set goals, track performance and measure progress
Ensure all key documents are available easily
Manage and maintain your contact list in one central place

Organising payments has never been easier

Take the hard work out of invoicing. With the payments module you can create invoices in a matter of seconds, keep track of who hasn't paid, send invoice reminders and let students or parents pay directly within the app. Make admin work easier so you can leave more time for the things that matter - performing and mastering your art

pair of pink boxing gloves
pair of pink boxing gloves

Support your students so your school can perform

Use Outcoach’s evaluations module with state of the art student-development tools to ensure you perform. Keep track of how you’re progressing during rehearsals, reflect how you did in a concert and get better using video analysis. Become a master of your art and the best version of you!

man in white karate gi kneeling on black carpet
man in white karate gi kneeling on black carpet

All the information you need about your club in the one place

Coach Notifications

Ensure accountability with the actions module. Assign actions to anyone to make life easy whether it's locking up after practice or packing up.

Share important and relevant documents such as rules, lesson-plans or club information with coaches in an easy, convenient and centralised place.

Whether it's a washout or needing to move to another pitch, Outcoach can let everyone know immediately to ensure there's no confusion

It can be easy to lose track of everyone that's in your club or school. Have a simple place to see and manage information of club members through profiles

Everyone in your martial arts school gets access to Outcoach

With Outcoach, every single person involved with your martial arts school gets access to Outcoach - Coaches, members, their parents and anyone else. You will only ever pay a single fee per member to enable access for everyone. Moreover, Outcoach has been built from the ground up to be mobile first and is available on Apple and Google Play Store in addition to working on any web browser.